Rules & Regulations

Rules of the Badminton Club

All players must:

  • Assist in set-up and take down of courts
  • Pay the correct money and mark their names as paid
  • Ensure that they use the peg board correctly
    • Check the board regularly to ensure that they know when it is their turn to pick players (first on the board or directly behind a visitor who is on the board)
    • Pick only from the first 7 pegs including theirs
    • Ensure that one of the winning players puts the pegs down on the waiting line when the game is finished (winners first, ladies before men)
    • Visitors may not pick players but must be picked by the next member if they are first on the peg board
  • Those wishing to join Calpe Badminton Club will be invited to attend as a visitor for up to six (6) club sessions during which time club committee members will assess their suitability for membership. Visitors will be offered membership if they have the votes of 4 committee members who have played with and against them. Anyone who shows potential but is not at an acceptable level for membership will be offered a further 6 sessions provided they agree to some coaching assistance. The committee will then make a final decision.
  • As agreed at the 2010 AGM, once a member joins the Club their membership remains in place for a period of two years after they stop playing, and any time within that two-year period a member can resume playing at no additional cost. After this period, other than in exceptional circumstances, playing membership status can only be regained upon payment of a new membership fee.
  • Take care of shuttles by playing with them until they are useless and not hitting them along the floor when they are ‘dead’. Shuttles with some life in them but not good enough for games must be put in the practice bucket.
  • Use shuttles out of the practice bucket for warming up and not new shuttles
  • If a player chooses not to play for any reason, their peg will be put to the far right of the selection line. When the player is ready to play their peg can be put at the end of the players waiting to be selected.
  • It is up to the receiving player to decide if the shuttle is in or out. This should ensure that there are no arguments over line calls
  • Do not give unsolicited coaching advice to other players – your advice may not be up to date, correct or wanted.

……and finally we expect players to act with decorum at all times. Politeness to all other players is mandatory and derogatory behaviour will not be condoned or tolerated.